Terms And Conditions - Immobiliare Cortonese

Immobili in vendita a Cortona e dintorni

Terms & Conditions

This website is provided by Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese, Piazzale Europa 5, Camucia-Cortona 52044, (AR). By using this website you consent to the terms and conditions below.

1. Disclaimer

Whilst reasonable care is taken to ensure the information contained on this website is accurate and complete (including any text, graphics, advertisements, measurements, links or other item), we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we reserve the right to change the information on this website (including these terms and conditions) at any time without notice. We suggest you check these terms and conditions for changes each time you intend to use this website.

Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese/Cortona International posts information on its website from various sources. This information is intended only as a useful ‘indicative’ tool and should not be taken as ‘definitive’ fact . As far as applicable laws allow, we neither accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, nor for loss that may result directly or indirectly from reliance on our website’s content. Users of this website should not undertake any actions or omit to take any actions based on the information provided by our website.

In addition, neither we nor any other contributor to this website make any representation or give any warranty, condition, undertaking or term either express or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, suitability, fitness for purpose, completeness, or freedom from viruses of the content contained on this website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted or error free.

Properties listed on our website:

2. Copyright

This website is owned and controlled by Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese. Unless otherwise noted, all information featured on the Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese website, (whether text or images), is protected by copyrights and trademarks, and is owned or licensed by Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese. You may not download, display or print any part of the content except to your own computer for your personal use and not for business purposes

Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese welcomes links to this site from relevant third party websites. However, if requested in writing by Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese, links must be removed within 24 hours.

3. Interruptions and Ommissions

Whilst we take every care to ensure that the standard of this website remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the Internet is not always a stable medium, and errors, omissions, interruptions of service and delays may occur at any time. As a result, we do not accept any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this website (or any particular part of it).

4. Links

This website contains links to third party websites over which Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese has no control. Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese assumes no responsibility for the content of third party websites or for any losses which may arise out of use of a third party website. The presence of a link to a third party does not necessarily mean that Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese endorses that site or has or has not any association with the proprietor of that website.

5. Governing Law

These terms and conditions and your use of this website are governed exclusively by Italian law and any disputes arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions and your use of this website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Italy.

6. Regulation

Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Arezzo and regulated by FIAIP – Federation of Professional Italian Estate Agents. Should you have any reason for complaint with Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese please call Nicola Burazzi on +39 0575 631112 or email him at cortonainternational(at)gmail.com

7. Data Protection Act (INFORMATIVA PRIVACY ai sensi dell'Articolo 13 del D.Lgs.196/03)

Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese is committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe, secure website.

The information you have given will be used by the Agency in its work and may, in the ordinary course of business, move between different agencies with whom Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese/Cortona International collaborates. By using this website you consent to such transfer. Should such transfer prove necessary, we will always ensure that everyone concerned abide by security and privacy policies which provide at least the level of protection afforded to data subjects in Italy.

Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese, responsible for data processing, would like to provide some information on the navigation data acquired when accessing its websites, under article 13 of legislation no.196/2003 (Protection of personal data, in relation to the Directive on Electronic Communications 2009/136/CE, of Directive 2002/58/CE) on the use of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector and the General Measure of the Data Protection.

Location of data processing

The processors connected to this website are located on the host servers, which are the responsibility of the service providers. No data derived from the web service will be shared.

Purpose of the processing of personal data

The data submitted by you such as email, name, surname and telephone number can be used by us, for promotional initiatives such as communicating new properties relevant to your requisites and/or forwarding information relevant to a valuation of your property and its addition to the network. Your data may be shared with companies or professionals who are authorised to carry out specific services or which carry out activities which are complementary or necessary to the execution of our own operations or services 

Individuals who may see your data

Data may be processed or made available to authorised third parties whose responsibility it is to carry out the works as specified above. Personal data however will not be shared.

Provision of data

Users are free to provide or not the requested personal data. It may not be possible to process a user request if data is missing or incomplete.

How data is processed

Personal data is processed automatically and online, strictly in order to achieve the aims outlined above, ensuring that suitable measures are taken to assure the security of processed data and to guarantee it is kept confidential.

Navigation data

The IT systems and software processes that run this website may, during the course of their normal operation, collect some of the data transferred to them, in accordance with internet communication protocols. This data may include IP addresses, or domain names of computers used to connect to the site, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the code indicating the state of the response data on the server (resolved, error, etc.) and other parameters relevant to the operating system and computer system of the user. Information will be kept only if it comes under dedicated monitoring procedures.

Individuals who may see your navigation data

Navigation data will be shared with third parties only if required by law and order from public authority, to ascertain responsibility in case of cyber crime or to exercise a legal right.


Under  article 7 of legislation no. 196/03, you can access your data at any point free of charge, have it updated or deleted without delay, object to the processing of data, receive any information regarding those with whom your data is stored or with whom it may be communicated, or indeed those who, in the capacity of managers or appointees, may see your data, by contacting Agenzia Immobiliare Cortonese, Piazzale Europa n. 5, Cortona (AR).
